Coffee-Stained Teeth: Causes, Prevention Tips, and Treatment Options

Posted on: 21 August 2015
You may need that cup of joe to get your morning started, but it could be discoloring your teeth. Brown, tan, and yellow stains, especially on the front teeth, are often caused by things you drink or eat. Read on to discover why coffee stains your teeth, along with prevention and treatment tips. How Do Coffee Stains Occur? The enamel on your teeth isn't perfectly smooth. It contains microscopic bumps and divots that collect detritus from the coffee you drink.
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Afraid Of White Spots From Braces? 3 Reasons They Are Now Easier To Prevent Than Ever

Posted on: 5 August 2015
If you want to have your teeth straightened and are deciding between your many options in braces today, then you may worry that traditional metal braces will leave you with white spots on your teeth after they are removed. These spots, which are caused by hypomineralization of teeth due to plaque build-up, have always been preventable with good oral hygiene when wearing braces. However, there are three additional reasons why those white spots are quickly becoming a thing of the past.
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Potential Causes For Red Discoloration In The Mouth's Soft Tissues

Posted on: 20 July 2015
Red discoloration in the soft tissues of your mouth can have a variety of causes that range from so minor no treatment is required to a potential sign of oral cancer. So it's important to visit your dentist as soon as possible when a red patch or sore appears on your soft tissue. Here are a few of the potential causes and the treatments dentists can provide. Canker Sores Do you have sores on your soft tissue that have a red discoloration around the rim?
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Getting a Dental Bone Graft? What You Should Know About the Procedure

Posted on: 25 June 2015
If you've talked to your dentist about dental implants, he or she may have mentioned getting bone grafts first. This procedure adds bones to your gums when they have atrophied in the absence of teeth. If that sounds scary, don't worry. If you educate yourself on the procedure and costs, you'll be prepared for the risks and know what to expect. The Procedure The bone graft procedure is an out-patient surgery that should take no more than a few hours.
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