2 Things To Do To Prepare To Get Your Wisdom Teeth Removed
Posted on:
12 December 2016
If you have to have your wisdom teeth removed, you have a few days of a sore mouth in your future. There are things that you can do to make sure that you are ready for your teeth to get removed so that it will go as smoothly as possible.
Line Up a Driver and Sitter
If you are being sedated in order to have your wisdom teeth removed, you will need to have a driver to take you home.
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An Overview of Tooth Extraction Tools
Posted on:
23 November 2016
If you are like many people, you may be uncomfortable with tooth extraction because you are unsure about the process that is used to remove teeth. Tooth extraction is a safe and virtually painless procedure that, in most cases, requires no drilling or invasive incision. Here is an overview of the most common tools that are used to remove teeth to give you more peace of mind about the extraction process.
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3 Potential Uses of Mini Implants in Dental Treatments
Posted on:
3 November 2016
Mini dental implants have the same style of screw-like metal root that inserts into the jawbone as a standard jawbone. The sole difference is that the mini implant has a smaller root though the crown that gets attached isn't necessarily smaller than standard. General and cosmetic dentistry specialists have different uses for mini dental implants that don't always involve snapping one artificial dental crown to the top at the end of treatment.
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Tips For Surviving A Root Canal
Posted on:
17 October 2016
You probably have heard horror stories about root canals. However, you also know that in order for your mouth to remain healthy and for you to be able to chew properly, without any pain, you might need to get one. If your dentist recommends a root canal, you might feel too fearful to schedule one. Here are some things that you can do ahead of time to make the prospect of a root canal less scary so that you can actually get yourself to schedule one.
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