3 Dangers Of Gum Disease That General Dentists Can Help Prevent

Posted on: 2 February 2023

Most people have a daily oral hygiene routine, which is important in preventing dental problems. In addition, you also need to visit a dentist to examine your oral health and eliminate the stubborn plaque in your mouth. Adhering to these routines will help keep oral issues like gum disease at bay. Remember that gum disease affects nearly half of Americans aged 30 years and above. Fortunately, this disease is reversible if detected in time, but it could cause these three complications if not treated in time.

1. Tooth Loss

Though most people take it for granted, your teeth play a vital role in your life. They make it possible for you to eat and talk. They also help maintain your facial structure. That is why it can be frustrating when your teeth start falling out. One cause of tooth loss is failure to treat gum disease. That's because untreated gum infections quickly develop to cause receding gums. When this happens, the gums will lack the strength to hold your teeth in position, leading to tooth loss. Do not wait to deal with such complications. Instead, book an appointment with a dentist and maintain your gum health.

2. Pain or Discomfort 

When you first develop gum disease, it will simply cause minor discomfort when flossing or brushing your teeth. Since it is easy to ignore such discomfort, most people never visit the dentist to deal with their gum problems. Consequently, this allows the gum infection to keep developing into periodontitis. Periodontitis exposes your nerves, increasing the risk of further infection. The exposed nerves are also very sensitive and will cause severe pain.

3. Bleeding or Swollen Gums

Most gum diseases will start manifesting as bleeding gums. That's because most gum infections will cause gum inflammation, making the gums sensitive to daily oral health care habits like brushing and flossing. So, if you keep spitting blood when brushing or your floss comes out with blood stains, it most likely means you are developing gum disease. Once your gums start bleeding, you must change your habits and visit your dentist. Otherwise, the infection may develop into serious issues like swollen, red, and tender gums.

In addition to daily brushing and flossing, you can avoid gum diseases by keeping up with your dental appointments. During these dental appointments, your dentist will check to ensure your gums are healthy and treat any diseases before they get out of hand. This will save you from tooth loss, pain, and swollen gums.

Contact a local dentistry office to learn more. 
