3 Reasons Professionally Whitening Teeth Is Better Than The Alternative
If you have been thinking that it is time to whiten your teeth, you will find that you have the option of a professional whitening or an over-the-counter product. Before you spend a lot of money on subpar whitening treatments, you might want to consider how a professional treatment is the better choice. Thorough Treatment The whitening strips and trays that are sold over-the-counter are designed in an attempt to fit as many people as possible.
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4 Things To Know About Invisalign
Having a smile that you're proud of is important for most people. However, if you've been born with crooked teeth, you may need to work a little harder at achieving this goal. One way to improve your teeth is by using Invisalign. It's ideal to know certain things about this process in advance to be properly informed. The Process In order to get the perfect fit, you will need to visit an orthodontist that specializes in Invisalign.
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How Missing Teeth Can Harm You
If you have lost one or more of your teeth, it's important for you to have them replaced as soon as possible. Putting off having them replaced can lead to other problems with your teeth and gums. You can learn about some of the issues missing teeth can cause in the information provided below: Aesthetic issues The most obvious problem that comes with tooth loss is your appearance. Your smile will show a black hole where you once had a tooth.
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Three Signs You May Be Brushing Too Much
When you visit your dentist for a cleaning, you may hear the advice to brush your teeth after every meal, or at least twice per day, and for two minutes each time. But not everyone is the same, so a standardized brushing schedule may or may not work for you. For example, if you have braces you must brush every time you eat, because braces can trap food and hold it against your teeth.
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Getting Dental Implants Can Let You Eat Favorite Foods Again
When you have bad teeth that need to get pulled, you know how much it can hurt to eat. Because of those teeth, you may have restricted what you eat because it hurts too much to eat hard foods or it's just too difficult to chew. Getting rid of those sore teeth and getting a dental implant to replace them can get rid of that pain, and make you feel a lot better.
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Tips For Taking Your Child To The Dentist When They Have Asperger's
If you are worried about your child's up-and-coming dental exam due to their Asperger's, there are tips you and the dentist can follow to help make the appointment go smoothly. Make sure the dentist is willing to take the extra time to work with your child in a way that helps them feel secure. Use the tips in this article during the appointment to see a much more relaxed child:
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4 Things You Need To Know About Oral Aspergillosis
Aspergillus is a type of mold that is widespread in nature. It can be found growing anywhere from inside damp walls to inside starchy foods like baked goods and potatoes. Everyone gets exposed to aspergillus, and for most people, it's not a problem. However, for some people, aspergillus can take hold in the mouth and grow out of control, leading to a fungal infection called oral aspergillosis. Here are four things you need to know about oral aspergillosis.
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Coffee-Stained Teeth: Causes, Prevention Tips, and Treatment Options
You may need that cup of joe to get your morning started, but it could be discoloring your teeth. Brown, tan, and yellow stains, especially on the front teeth, are often caused by things you drink or eat. Read on to discover why coffee stains your teeth, along with prevention and treatment tips. How Do Coffee Stains Occur? The enamel on your teeth isn't perfectly smooth. It contains microscopic bumps and divots that collect detritus from the coffee you drink.
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Afraid Of White Spots From Braces? 3 Reasons They Are Now Easier To Prevent Than Ever
If you want to have your teeth straightened and are deciding between your many options in braces today, then you may worry that traditional metal braces will leave you with white spots on your teeth after they are removed. These spots, which are caused by hypomineralization of teeth due to plaque build-up, have always been preventable with good oral hygiene when wearing braces. However, there are three additional reasons why those white spots are quickly becoming a thing of the past.
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Potential Causes For Red Discoloration In The Mouth's Soft Tissues
Red discoloration in the soft tissues of your mouth can have a variety of causes that range from so minor no treatment is required to a potential sign of oral cancer. So it's important to visit your dentist as soon as possible when a red patch or sore appears on your soft tissue. Here are a few of the potential causes and the treatments dentists can provide. Canker Sores Do you have sores on your soft tissue that have a red discoloration around the rim?
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