Do You Have A Bad Breath? 4 Ways Your Family Dentist Can Help You
Posted on: 1 July 2022
Wearing your mask for hours probably made you realize that you have bad breath. Perhaps your spouse or co-worker made you aware of the uncomfortable situation. It is not easy walking around with halitosis. The condition can lower your self-esteem and make you avoid meaningful interactions. Everyone has bad breath, especially after eating garlicky meals or when you wake up in the morning. But if your condition persists, it would be a great time to visit a family dentist. The following are solutions for bad breath.
1. Full Tooth Cleaning
Many patients struggling with halitosis tackle the problem by brushing and flossing. Unfortunately, toothbrush bristles and floss might not reach some parts of the tooth. This leaves food debris and bacteria in hidden spots between and behind your teeth. As a result, the bacteria and tartar build-up slowly emit a bad smell that's hard to ignore. Here's where teeth cleaning comes in. Your dentist will recommend a full tooth cleaning procedure to eliminate the bacteria and the smell.
2. Gum Disease Treatment
Gingivitis and periodontal diseases are notorious for causing awful odors. The build-up of bacteria contributing to gum diseases is responsible for producing the odors. Your dentist will examine your oral cavity and ask a few questions to establish if they are looking at developing gum disease.
If positive, the specialist may recommend antibiotics to destroy the bacteria and eliminate the smell. You will also be encouraged to maintain oral hygiene to keep bacterial activity low.
3. Quit Smoking
Smoking is notorious for causing bad odors. When you inhale smoke, the smell lingers in your lungs long after the last puff. As with many smokers, the last puff doesn't last long before the next. The habit not only exposes you to lingering bad breath but can also increase the risks of lung problems.
Smoking also dries the mouth, increasing the risks of tooth decay and gum diseases, further contributing to bad smells. Your family dentist will recommend quitting the habit as the best way to eliminate bad breath, protect your lungs, and avoid stains.
4. Advice on Great Oral Hygiene Habits
As highlighted earlier, bad breath is common, especially in the morning after waking up. Due to decreased flow of saliva when asleep, the bacteria in your mouth feeds on food particles or dry cells stuck on the tongue to produce a bad-smelling gas. Your dentist will recommend brushing your teeth to eliminate the bacteria and food particles. You can use mouthwash to reduce bacterial activity and clean your mouth before and after waking up.
If halitosis has been troubling you, consider visiting your family dentist for more information. The specialist will advise you on what to do to tackle the bad breath. You will certainly find a working solution after one of a few dental visits.