Treating Anxieties And Phobias Related To Dental Visits
Posted on: 23 October 2019
Many people experience fear or anxiety at the thought of visiting the dentist. The fear may originate from past traumatic experiences. However, it could also be linked to stories from others who have had unsavory experiences at a dental office. Nevertheless, regardless of the source of the fear, there are a number of ways to help alleviate it.
Here is a bit of information about anxieties and phobias related to dental visits and how they can be treated.
What Is Dental Anxiety?
Dental anxiety occurs when a person experiences stress or fear due to a dental interaction. The anxiety may be linked to dental tools, dental professionals, or specific dental procedures. For some people, simply being in a dental setting is enough to cause anxiety.
What Is a Dental Phobia?
Dental phobias tend to be more severe than dental anxieties. A patient with a dental phobia may avoid dental visits altogether due to the mental pain they experience during dental interactions. They may feel extreme panic or terror at the thought of a dental appointment. Even routine visits for services that are not normally associated with pain or discomfort may be too difficult for a person suffering from a dental phobia to attend.
Medications for Dental Anxieties and Phobias
If you suffer from dental anxiety or a dental phobia, your dentist may offer medications to help you remain calm and settled during your dental visits. These medicines may be administered orally, via inhalation, or by injection.
Oral sedatives may be taken about a half-hour before your dental visit is scheduled to begin. These medications can help calm you. Many oral sedatives may even help you forget the details of your dental visit, protecting you from additional thoughts or suggestions that could feed your dental fears. Still, because the sedatives may make you feel drowsy, you would need to have someone else drive you to and from your appointment.
Inhaled sedatives, such as laughing gas, are administered by the dentist. A mask is placed over your nose and mouth, permitting you to breathe in the medication deeply. As the medicine is inhaled, it incites a euphoric, calming effect.
For a deeper level of sedation, the dentist may use an injectable sedative. The drug is injected or administered intravenously. For intravenous sedatives, the dentist may monitor your vital signs throughout your visit.
If you suffer from dental anxieties or phobias, schedule a consultation with a dentist - one like RTC Dental - in your local area to learn more ways to lessen your fears.