Understanding Dental Implants

Posted on: 28 January 2018

A dental implant is a special prosthetic device that is installed in the bone of the jaw to replace the root of a lost tooth. The root of a tooth holds it in position within the mouth. Thus, once a single tooth is replaced using an implant-based restoration, the prosthetic tooth can function like a natural one.

Here is some additional information about dental implants to help you better understand them.

Dental Implants Come With Benefits

The placement of a dental implant within the jawbone is beneficial to the oral health of the patient. Natural teeth promote jawbone health by transferring pressure that stimulates the production of new bone cells. Without the steady production of bone cells, the jawbone's density will decline, leading to the bone's atrophy. 

A thin, brittle jawbone can increase the likelihood of tooth loss. The bone must remain thick enough to hold the teeth securely in position.

An implant transmits bite pressure to the jawbone as effectively as a natural tooth. Therefore, many people consider an implant restoration to be superior to other tooth-replacement options. 

The implant also prevents the natural teeth from shifting into the space left by a lost tooth. Like a natural tooth, a dental implant becomes a placeholder along the gum ridge.

Dental Implants Are Lifelong Prosthetics

A dental implant is made of titanium and cannot decay as natural tooth material can. In addition, dental implants have a high rate of success. As a result, a dental implant should last throughout the life of the implant patient. Dental bridges and other tooth-replacement devices, such as dentures, usually require replacement.

Dental Implants Can Be Combined With Other Appliances

Dental implants are not standalone devices. For a single-tooth replacement, an implant is fitted with an abutment and covered by a dental crown. However, when a dental implant is used to replace multiple teeth, it is often used in conjunction with other dental appliances. 

If a full palate of teeth is lost, dental implants can be connected to a removable denture to secure the appliance in the mouth. However, other applications, such as all-on-fours, can be screwed to implants for stabilization. Dental implants can also be used to fix traditional dental bridges in the mouth.

As an implant wound heals, jawbone cells grow around the dental implant, integrating with the device. This integration secures the implant in position so that it can readily provide stabilization to attached appliances. 

For more information about dental implants, schedule an appointment with an implant dentist in your local area.
