
  • How To Deal With TMJ Pain

    The pain caused from having TMJ can at times be overwhelming. It can be as small as a minor ache or pain that radiates throughout your entire face, shoulders, and neck. While TMJ does not have a cure, there are several ways to reduce the amount of discomfort it causes you. Relaxing Your Surrounding Muscles The reason TMJ causes so much pain is because the joints that connect your jaw are not aligned properly.
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  • New Dental Technologies

    We've all been to the dentist to be poked, prodded, and observed. Thankfully, today increasing numbers of dental offices are utilizing less invasive and more comprehensive ways to analyze the health of our teeth. These new technologies have made going to the dentist more pleasant and less intrusive. Here are some examples of how new modern dental medicine is making the dentist's office a less scary place: Lasers Before, patients had to endure the dentist poking around in their teeth with a small, sharp instrument to determine if a tooth had a cavity.
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  • How To Fix A Missing Tooth

    If you have a tooth missing from the inside of your mouth it can have a direct impact on your appearance and the way you chew. A missing tooth will make all the other teeth around it work that much harder when you chew food. The other teeth will also collect more contaminants which could lead to faster tooth decay in the other teeth. Here is a list of things you can do to fix a missing tooth.
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  • Anxiety Disorders And Dental Care

    Most people view a trip to the family dentist as a necessary chore, unpleasant but something that must be done. However, individuals with anxiety disorders anticipate the same visit with dread and fear. Anxiety disorders are not to be confused with dental phobias, which are irrational fears that are isolated to going to the dentist. Anxiety disorders affect sufferers in different ways. Types include: Panic disorders. These disorders are characterized by spontaneous attacks of overwhelming fear and panic.
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